The following information is provided in a popular and easy to understand format meant to inform residents and owners. It is not intended to be used as a sole reference or substitute for any neighborhood or association document. If contradictions exist, in every case the appropriate association document is preeminent.

Why do we have both swing arms and gates at the entrances?

The developer originally installed the arms. After the developer left, it was decided to make AW a truly gated community. The company that won the bid to install the gates suggested that by integrating the present system of arms with the new system we could: 1) Reduce piggy backing (when an unauthorized car tailgates an authorized car through the slow moving gates). 2) We could use timers to open the gates at rush hours to facilitate a quicker movement of traffic into and out of the community, thus avoiding a line of people waiting for the gates to open and close, and yet still have a closed arm to keep unauthorized cars from entering. 3) When gates are broken, the arms can act as a backup.

Why are unlicensed motorized scooters not allowed in AW?

There are a number of reasons motorized scooters are not allowed in AW. The property management company and the board were getting a huge number of complaints related to motor scooters. The complaints could generally be categorized as: 1) noise (especially late evening and early morning); 2) pedestrians on our many miles of sidewalks being intimidated, and forced off the walkways; 3) drivers on the roadways almost hitting the hard-to-see fast-moving scooters driven by mostly unlicensed children who do not follow rules of the road; 4) liability issues; 5) the desire to protect the youth of the community from serious injury or death; 6) last, but certainly not least, they are illegal under Collier County laws.

Why are the master irrigation clocks set at Eastern Standard Time?

For a number of reasons the master clocks are left at Eastern Standard Time. The first is that for many homeowners it is difficult to make arrangements to switch the house irrigation clock because they are part-time residents. We also found that many people just forgot to change irrigation clocks. Another reason is that by changing times twice a year on 348 home clocks (not to mention the complicated master clocks), errors are bound to be made. Some of the less important reasons are: cost of having the clocks changed 2 times per year; inconvenience to owners; and cost to homeowners who are unable to change their own clocks.

How can I get more information?

Information is available from many sources:
1. AW Web Pages: (
2. Newsletters posted to this site periodically
3. Board Meetings – The Master Association holds monthly board meetings.

Meetings dates are posted on this website, on the bulletin board at the community center, and the bulletin board at the Goodlette Frank Exit.

For Neighborhood Board Meetings – just click on your Neighborhood tab at the top of this website or see the community bulletin board.

Why are there so many rules in AW?

AW is a deed-restricted community. This means that certain standards are set in order to maintain property values. You are obligated by the deed on your property to follow these rules.

I want to make some changes to my property (landscape, painting, addition, add a pool, etc). What is the procedure?

Your Neighborhood Architectural Review Committee (ARC -N ) handles requests to make exterior changes to your property.

Click on the Communities Tab at the top of the Home Page, select your neighborhood, and Download the ARC form under the Tab “Documents and Forms”

Please deliver or mail the ARC -N form to your neighborhood Property Manger.

I need a key to the community center or a new gate opener for my car. How can I get it?

Contact the Property Manager.

I want to rent my home. What should I do?

Please see the Renter Tab on your Neighborhood Page. Each Neighborhood has it’s own Rental Approval process or Contact the Neighborhood Property Manager for more information.